- Botanical Name: Nardostachys jatamansi
- CAS No.: 8022-22-8
- EC No.: 290-089-4
- Flash Point (°C): 98
- Refractive Index: 1.4850 to 1.4940 at 20°C
- Specific gravity: 0.9490 to 0.9580 at 25 °C
- Optical Rotation (°):-30 to -10
- Color: Pale Amber
- Solubility: Soluble in alcohol,oils, organic solvents, insoluble in water
Jatamansi is native to the Himalayas, primarily in a belt through Nepal, India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Southeast China, and Pakistan. Jatamansi essential oil is also known as Spikenard essential oil, Muskroot essential oil. In Ayurveda, Jatamansi is known as Tapaswani.
The essential oil is extracted from the steam distillation of underground stems (Rhizomes). The dried rhizome yield essential oil from 0.8 to1.4%.
The oil is intensely aromatic amber-colored and very thick inconsistency. In Indian Jatamansi essential oil, jatamansone and α-cadinol were found as the major constituents.
Jatamansi oil is popular as sleep-inducing oil and used in the treatment of sleeping and nervous disorders.
Odor profile:
Earthy and woody
Major Constituents:
Ledol, Sativen, β –Gurjunene, aristolen-9β-ol, jatamansone, jatamansinol, spirojatamol, nardostachysin, Coumarins, jatamansin, nardol, cubebol, calarene, Valencene, calarenol, Valeranone.
~ Jatamansi essential oil is used in the treatment of sleeping disorders, nervous disorders. Jatamansi oil possesses antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticholinesterase, anti-inflammatory oxidative stress, and antidepressant activities. This oil is also used in perfumery, soaps, deodorants, creams, lotions, body wash, and air fresheners.
Jatamansi essential oil gives a calming and relaxing effect. The oil can be used as a massage, in a diffuser, and inhalation to soften smooth and glowing skin.
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