- Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce
- CAS No.: 8006-84-6
- EC No.: 282-892-3
- FEMA No.: 2482
- Flash Point (°C): 64
- Refractive Index: 1.5110 to 1.5640 at 20°C
- Specific Gravity: 0.9540 to 0.9750 at 25 °C
- Optical Rotation(°): +20.0 to +24.0
- Color: Pale Yellow
- Solubility: Soluble in alcohol, oils and organic solvents, insoluble in water
The major producing countries are France, India, Hungary, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Japan, and Russia.
Fennel sweet oil is extracted from crushed seeds by steam distillation and essential oil yield is 1.5 – 4 %.
The essential oil of Sweet fennel var. dulce contains significantly less fenchone. The major constituents are trans-anethole, limonene, and methyl chavicol. A comparative statement showing the difference in constituent between Sweet fennel essential oil and Bitter fennel essential oil are as under:
Sl. No. Constituent of the Fennel oil Sweet fennel essential oil, % Bitter fennel essential oil, %
1 Anethole 50-80 42-68
2 α-Pinene 3.5-6.0 15-20
3 Limonene 20-32.0 –
4 α-Phellandrene – 9-15
5 Fenchone 1.5-2.8 1.8-3.5
6 Estragole 1.6-3.5 6-10
Odor profile:
Sweet earthy anise green peppery herbal spicy
Major Constituents:
Anethole, Limonene, Fenchone, Estragole, Pinene, α-phellandrene and methyl chavicol.
~ Sweet fennels have Carminative, Antispasmodic, Spasmolytic, Expectorant, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Stomachic, Hepatoprotective action and used in treating these disorders.
Fennel sweet essential oil is has a soothing, cleansing, and toning effect and generally used with other essential oils in aromatherapy massage for treating Rheumatism, Arthritis, Cellulite, Oedema, and other skincare treatments.
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